SOS Save Our Schools from Bullying

SOS Save Our Schools from Bullying

Posted by on Sep 10, 2012 in All Books, Lower Primary School, Upper Primary School |

SOS Save Our Schools from Bullying was written and illustrated by Gaye Dell to promote bullying awareness in primary schools throughout Australia. It is in the form of a strength-based easy-reader. The charming story follows a young boy who learns that it is possible to turn his bullying behaviour around. What results from this change in attitude is genuine respect from his peers rather than their fear at the beginning of the story. Throughout his journey, the story involves a performing arts program, along with his school mates, teachers and the entire community. This book has the lyrics and score of an original song Every Child  from a musical of the same name, written and directed by Gabrielle Murphy.

SOS Save Our School-EXCERPT

Sample of Illustrations from SOS: